Hello! Mark Gotham here. Thanks for your interest and visit to this site! There’s a lot of websites out there with partially overlapping information. This site is a good faith attempt to act as a signpost. Apart from anything else, it’s helpful for me ;)
I’ll keep it as succinct as possible, with few pages, lots of external links, and little else!
- Bio: short, medium, and long versions
- Composition: the creative side of the coin
- CV: education and university positions
- Media & Industry: Media contact, wider writing, & industry collaborations
- Research: Publications and related outputs
Topics and Keywords
- Musical composition, theory, analysis
- Computational / digital methods
- Corpus creation and study
- Mathematical modelling
- Wider access, outreach, pedagogical/public-facing resources
<first_name> dot <last_name> at KCL dot ac dot uk